We are delighted that you are interested in purchasing our maple syrup and/or honey. We're just a couple of mom-and-pop farmers, so we don't have an online store, nor do we take Visa. But it's still very easy to order our products, so here are the details.
Pure Maple Syrup - USDA Certified Organic, US Grade A Medium Amber
17 oz. gift bottle - $14.00 per bottle
Case of 12 gift bottles - $154.00
1-gallon plastic jug - $65.00
MN Wildflower Honey - Pure honey, a combination of basswood, clover and other beautiful Minnesota wildflowers growing in our native prairie fields.
One-pound glass jar -$5.00 per jar, or $55.00 for a case of 12 jars
Two-pound glass jar - $10.00 per jar, or $110.00 for a case of 12 jars
Shipping to IA, IL, MN, NE, ND, SD, WI (via Spee Dee Delivery)
1 to 3 bottles syrup and/or honey : $5.00
4 to 6 bottles syrup and/or honey: $8.00
Case of 12 bottles maple syrup: $18.00
1-gallon jug - $8.00
Case of 1-lb jars of honey: $10.00
Case of 2-1b jars of honey: $15.00
Shipping to all other states including AK and HI (US Post Office Flat rate priority mail)
1 or 2 bottles syrup/honey: $12
3 bottles syrup: $16
Case of 12 bottles of syrup (to lower 48) $35
Case of 12 jars of 1-lb or 2-lb honey $20
Shipping costs for large orders to AK and HI will need to be calculated
Costs for shipping gallon jugs will need to be calculated
Check or money order payable to: Sapsucker Farms
Send us an email at sapsuckerfarms@northlc.com, or call us at 320.679.9195 and let us know the quantities of each that you would like to purchase. We'll confirm the final cost and make shipping arrangements. For holiday gifts, we will be happy to ship directly to the recipient, including a card from the giver.
We know that you will love these sweet and tasty goodies harvested from God's green earth. And we especially thank you for your patronage.
Jim & Debbie Morrison
Sapsucker Farms
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